The main function of the import transactions module is of course to import bank statements. This module actually allows you to quickly generate transactions from nearly any input source, such as spreadsheets, CSV-files, CAMT.053 XML files or even any table-like information with at least a date and an amount field.
Budget transactions can also be entered this way.
CAMT.053 Bank to Customer Statements
Hot-Accounts supports the international reporting format CAMT.053.
This format provides bank customers with detailed and structured information in XML format on all entries booked to their account up to the previous day
Unfortunately, very few banks provide this format to their private customers for free.
Import transactions from CSV and spreadsheet files
So in practice, the import of bank statements has to go via CSV and spreadsheet files, as most banks provide these freely to their customers.
The format of these files is often bank specific. So multiple setups might be required, but Hot-Accounts can handle this. Also, most people only use one bank for the bulk of their transactions.
Watch the following screencasts to learn more about this module.
Banking API’s
Currently, a number of banks are working on a banking API (application program interface) to give third parties access to bank account information.
Hot-Accounts doesn’t support these APIs yet, but if banks start offering this service for free, the program will soon be extended.